October 21, 2017
With Halloween around the corner, sightings up the classic spooky critters will surely be on the rise as they invade your front doorstep in the form of decor and trick-or-treaters. Homeowners should also be on the lookout for the live “Halloween” pests this fall as they pose threats to both your property and health. The following pests are likely to invade homes in the fall months to seek shelter from the upcoming winter. An infestation of any of these on your property may become a real nightmare!
For many people, a spider of any size can cause distress and alarm when seen inside their home. There are only two spiders native to the U.S. that actually pose significant threats to human health: the brown recluse and the black widow. A bite from these species can cause painful, and possibly fatal reactions. What should you do about this spooky pest? If you don’t want spiders hanging around, reduce the number of food sources. Spiders eat flying insects, so cover your trash and don’t leave fruit out to reduce both house flies and fruit flies. Flying insects are also attracted to light. Replacing white outside lighting with yellow insect-resistant bulbs will go a long way to reducing your spider population.
For hundreds of years, people have feared bats due to their associated with blood-sucking vampires and haunted houses. Bats prefer to settle in dark, secluded areas including the attics of homes and other sheltered areas that may be similar to caves. They are known carriers of rabies in the U.S. and capable of infecting humans and other animals with their bite. Their droppings also can cause certain lung diseases. What should you do about this spooky pest? Bats are protected mammals in most states, so it is necessary to contact a pest control professional or local wildlife service before taking action to remove bats from the home. Read our blog post on how to prevent bats from entering your home!
Rodents can be dangerous to a family. Their strong teeth allow them to chew through glass, aluminum, and wire which increases the potential risk for fires. Rodents are vectors of diseases including plague, rat-bite fever, cowpox virus, and salmonellosis. They may also bring fleas or ticks into a home. Rodents are primarily nocturnal and can be found nesting in piles of garbage to undisturbed basements. What should you do about this spooky pest? These pests can fit through holes the size of a quarter, so closely inspect both the inside and outside of the home for any gaps that could allow them easy entry. Exclusion methods like wire mesh in the bottom of downspouts and removing clutter from your yard will help to keep rodents away.
Cockroaches are more than just creepy and gross — they also pose a threat to human health. Their ability to climb up a wall is enough to freak most people out, but the diseases and bacteria they spread can make them dangerous to have around. What should you do about this spooky pest? If you want to keep cockroaches out of your house, don’t give them what they are looking for. Keep your food in hard plastic containers. Keep your trash sealed. Deep clean around your fridge and oven. Put dishes in soapy water, rather than leaving them to rot in a stack. Exclusion methods and an exterior treatment are the final touches to keeping this spooky pest at bay.
Halloween causes enough spooks and scares on its own, so there is no need to have these spooky pests hanging around your house, too! If you notice any signs or an infestation of the spooky critters listed or any other pest, do not hesitate to call the professionals of Black Diamond at 877-DEAD-BUG.