May 1, 2018
Spring and summer often mean insects are a common nuisance. However, humans are not the only ones being annoyed by things that buzz, bite and sting. Our pets are easy targets for insects that lurk in the grass and fly around pooling water. If you haven’t already, apply protection and follow these tips to help keep pests off your pets!
Some of the most common pests that affect our pets, include:
The following are a few tips to follow in order to help keep your pet pest free!
Brush, brush, brush. After walks or playtime outside, inspect your pet thoroughly especially if they have been in wooded areas or high grasses. Brush their coat to remove debris and insects (plus, this will help keep their coat shiny and healthy, too!) If your cat spends any time outdoors, don’t forget to inspect and brush them as well.
Bathe regularly. Give your dogs a good scrubbing as often as you can, and use a shampoo that has a formula that can treat for pests.
Wash bedding. It is important to wash your pet’s bedding regularly in hot water. We recommend doing this even a few times each month. When washing their bedding, don’t forget to wash collars and plush toys too.
Invest in treatments. Consult with your vet to determine if a preventative medicine or treatment is recommended for your pet. If your pet spends a lot of times outdoors, it may be important to use a high quality flea and tick treatment to help ward off infestations.
Remove ticks. While brushing their coat, keep an eye out for ticks and remove them immediately. If you notice your dog or cat scratching the same spot over and over, it could be a sign of a tick.
Clean the house. Vacuum the house thoroughly and wash linens on a regular basis. Also, keep your home clutter-free to make it easy to spot any pests that do find their way indoors.
Treat the yard. It is also a good idea to have your lawn and yard treated for insects. Black Diamond’s Preventative Mosquito Service and tick treatments are great for the spring and summer months to reduce mosquito and tick populations on your property. This will reduce the risk for your pets to come in contact with them!
Keep them healthy. If you notice a change in your animal’s behavior, such as lack of appetite or decrease in energy, take them to see a veterinarian. These could be signs of Lyme disease or other health issues caused by pests.
While your veterinarian is the best resource in preventing the diseases and hazards of pet related pests, contact Black Diamond to learn more about the services we offer to make your home less attractive to the pests that bring risks to your pets.